Are You Walking the Talk?
Why Walking Helps Invigorate Strategy Sessions
by Alistair Green

On the morning of day two of our strategy workshops, often against heavy opposition, I encourage participants to wake up early and do some form of physical activity together. Despite some opposition, it’s often cited as one of the most valuable activities from the two days.

Why is a physical activity so valuable?

It is widely known that physical exercise is a mood booster, but recent studies show that it also enhances creativity.

Strategy retreats are heavy on the brain. They are a big investment of time, energy and effort, and despite spending two days mostly seated in discussion, they can be physically and mentally taxing.

Even gentle physical activity makes us more alert, improves our mood, reduces stress and helps prepare our minds for the work we need to accomplish that day. Exercise is also known to help overcome mental blocks, so by joining together in a group activity, there is also a strong likelihood of inevitable casual conversations leading to those “a-ha” moments.

Some of the activities we’ve done with our teams include our ‘Morning 2 Walk’—a simple morning stroll, a bike ride (including using e-bikes or scooters), a beginners’ yoga class, guided meditation, breath work and an ice bath, a beach walk plus a swim, or simply watching the sunrise together.

Our own observations back up the scientific research on this subject. We see much clearer thinking from our workshop participants after some gentle morning exercise. It is the perfect foundation for a day envisioning the future and thinking strategically.

Choose an idea that suits most of the team

Any kind of movement is beneficial, but it’s better if each participant is somewhat invested in the activity. Make it a team commitment but draw short of making it compulsory—if someone wants to opt out (for any reason), simply let them.

Next time you take part in a Focus HR strategy workshop, I hope to see you on a ‘Morning 2 Walk’, or perhaps participating in an alternate activity. In my experience, those that add some physical movement to the program are rewarded with better strategic outcomes.

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