Naomi Wilson.
Founding Director

Starting Focus HR on her own from scratch in 2011 was a bold step. It’s one which has resulted in a business where the thing she loves best is getting to pull back the layers on a client’s problems, lift a weight off their shoulders and help them reconnect with loving their business and doing what they do best.
It’s no surprise that Naomi’s colour of choice is red – it’s reflected in our logo and also in her dream car – a fun and fast Mustang! Oh, and it could also be the colour of her favourite drop!
Naomi is the Director of three successful small businesses, so she has truly lived and breathed the trials and tribulations that small business owners face every day.
An insatiable love of learning and discovery led to the completion of her MBA in Human Resource Management in 2008, and the learning never stops, with Naomi constantly seeking new and better ways to help her clients succeed in their people, leadership and strategy practices.
A piece of advice Naomi would give her younger self is to be open and take the time to hear and heed the lesson that exists in every situation – the bad ones as well as the good ones.
Naomi is so excited about what the future holds for Focus HR and the clients we work with – it’s an excitement that inspires our whole team every day.
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”
– Maya Angelou