Leading Teams Training.

Practical training for managers and supervisors.

Managers are usually in their roles because they are an asset to the business, but too often they don’t get much guidance on how to lead their team.

Managers who understand how to get the best out of their teams and confidently take care of problems before they escalate, are an even greater asset.

If you’ve ever struggled to source really practical training for managers and supervisors, these two hour sessions focusing on the issues managers most often encounter could be just the answer. Rather than dwelling in theory, each session cuts to the chase with real world solutions, tools you can implement, and practical application.

We are also available for in-house training for your team – simply contact us via the enquiry form for more details!

The Workshops

These practical, interactive workshops are ideal for supervisors and managers across any industry.

The workshops run for two hours and the cost is $175 + GST per attendee per session, with a 10% discount if you book and pay for three or more sessions or attendees. (Use code THREE at checkout to receive this discount)

Choose from the following workshops:

Managing Poor Performance & Conduct

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Dealing with someone who isn’t performing at the level they should be is frustrating. It’s stressful. And honestly, it can be scary when it escalates to the point of needing to let someone go.

This interactive workshop gives a solid understanding of what poor performance and conduct is and why it occurs, the 3 steps for managing this, setting clear expectations, and how to handle employee responses. Participants will receive useful checklists and tools to enable them to effectively manage poor performance and conduct..

Day-to-day Leadership Habits

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Traditional leadership training typically focuses on ‘big picture’ goals, but often what you need is managers who get the day-to-day stuff right – things like planning, problem solving, record keeping, checking in with staff.

We’ll cover how to create good leadership habits so managers know what is going on in their team, what they need to achieve and whether they are achieving it, how to take care of issues at the team level and when to make sure they are reporting up. The workshop will provide practical tools for prioritising and planning the day-to-day.

Empowering through Effective Delegation

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Delegation is too often not done well or not done at all. Surprisingly, delegation is not a skill that comes naturally to most. We’ll cover why and when to delegate and how to create conditions for success, including giving clear, unambiguous instructions, setting expectations and uncovering and removing the barriers to productivity.

We’ll also look at what to do if delegation isn’t getting the job done. The workshop includes a number of powerful tools for knowing what to delegate and how to do this effectively.

Challenging employees

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We often hear ‘people management would be easier if it wasn’t for the people’.

Rather than talk about managing a team in big picture terms, we’ll look specifically at where the issues usually lie for managers. We cover the practicalities of setting expectations, knowing when to act, how to be fair and thorough, and how to handle reactions.  We’ll take you through our 5-step plan for handling challenging employees and finally touch on making sure that you don’t have a negative impact on your high performers in the process.

Time Management

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Effective time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and increases focus, which leads to increased results and career success.

Imagine the impact on your business if your managers knew exactly where they needed to direct their attention every day; had self-awareness of what habits made them most productive; and had the right tools and models to make time work for them.  This workshop covers all this and more making it a must-do session for managers seeking to get more out of their day.

Leading Change

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Getting change management right is critical for businesses, and managers play a pivotal role in this process.

This session will look at planning change, communicating effectively, identifying potential hurdles before they arise, gauging and responding to their team member’s reactions to change and, as the change process draws to a close, moving on to managing the new ‘business as usual’.

The workshop is aimed at the practical elements of change implementation at an operational level and provides practical models for managers.

Empowering Your People

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Empowering your people, delegating decision making and encouraging autonomy are common catch cries in today’s progressive workplaces. But what does it actually mean?

This workshop will explore exactly that and provide insights and practical tips on how to establish a framework and guidelines within which empowerment, autonomy and effective decision making can flourish.

Reinforcing, skill-building & corrective feedback

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Everyone can give feedback, but giving effective feedback in a way that gets the desired result is a learned skill. This session will cover both formal and informal feedback and discuss the differences in purpose and delivery of reinforcing (‘positive’) feedback, skill-building (‘coaching’) feedback and corrective (‘negative’) feedback.

We’ll look at the importance of timeliness, confidentiality, listening well and provide you with feedback models that ensure clarity and purpose in your message . We’ll finish up with when it is important that records are kept and some practical ways to make sure that happens.

Managing a Hybrid Workforce

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Managing a hybrid team is not just a shift in the way in which you manage your team or the day to day operations, it is also a shift in your mindset.

This session will look at benefits and challenges of hybrid teams, the leadership qualities needed, management tips and building positive team dynamics.

Creating a High Performance Culture

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Managers play a key role in influencing the performance and productivity of their teams. While the temptation is to sit back and expect that goals are met, and scramble to find answers when they aren’t, the more useful approach is to be proactive and involved right from the start.

We’ll cover effective goal setting, communicating clear and reasonable expectations, and increasing motivation, alignment and buy-in.


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Communication is a huge topic, so we focus on a few key areas that deliver great results for teams and businesses. We’ll talk about communication styles and channels and how to adapt to get the best results, communicating both success and failure effectively, and communicating with the right people at the right time. And because it is so often a stumbling block for managers, we’ll cover in more depth how to broach difficult conversations with team members, peers and their own managers.

Managing Leave

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Leave, whether it is sick leave, carer’s leave, compassionate leave or annual leave, is something that all managers have to deal with, but few understand what they can and can’t do.

This session takes a detailed and practical look at the different types of leave, employee rights, employer rights and record keeping with the aim of building confidence to respond when leave questions and issues arise. We cover the most frequently asked questions that managers face when managing leave.

Effective Meetings

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Meetings can often be a ‘we’ll do this because we have to’ race-through or a drawn-out time waster for everyone involved. Both options are expensive for the business.

This session will look at when to have meetings, types of meetings, how to have meetings (format and structure) and what to record. We’ll also focus on setting ground rules for the meeting to ensure they add value and encouraging different perspectives to get the best from participants.  Deliverables from the workshop include a guide to the perfect meeting and meeting agenda templates.