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When it comes to the employee experience, relationships are key

When it comes to the employee experience, relationships are key

If you look at the unemployment rate trend line published by the ABS, you’ll see a steady hover between 5 and 5.5% from September 2018 to March 2020; then a spike to 7.5% by June 2020 (we all know what happened there); followed by a rapid plummet...

Zombie Workplace Agreements on notice

Zombie Workplace Agreements on notice

Article courtesy of Smart Company Businesses reliant on more than 100,000 zombie agreements have been put on notice by the Fair Work Commission (FWC), thanks to a massive spreadsheet of ageing workplace agreements set to automatically dissolve at...

Family & Domestic Violence Leave – Q and A

Family & Domestic Violence Leave – Q and A

You can find some of the questions we have come across regarding this issue here. Please don't hesitate to contact our team if you have any questions or issues. Q: What is a Small Business Employer Headcount? A: When looking at whether you are a...

Shutdown Provisions in Awards Locked Down

Shutdown Provisions in Awards Locked Down

The Commission has issued a Decision publishing a new model term that will replace the shutdown provisions in 78 modern awards. The variations to the 78 impacted awards will take effect on 1 May 2023. Directed Leave Without Pay   The Commission...

Fair Work Commission Decision: Refusal of Leave Lawful

Fair Work Commission Decision: Refusal of Leave Lawful

In Ms Sandra Barresi v Harris Scarfe Pty Ltd T/A Harris Scarfe [2022] FWC 3293, the Fair Work Commission has upheld an employer’s decision to reject an employee’s application to take leave during the company’s busiest trading period.  The...

Destination Postcard – Stretched to 10 Year Moonshot

Destination Postcard – Stretched to 10 Year Moonshot

Every business leader serious about running a thriving business needs to give attention, focus and time to nurturing their strategic plan. To win in business today, you'll need a plan... A plan your team knows and can implement effectively. At...

It’s not just about the Christmas Party 

It’s not just about the Christmas Party 

As we speed our way through the final month of 2022, we'd like to encourage everyone to take a moment to stop and consider the people around us. In workplaces, it seems we are all busy as the stress of getting things done 'before Christmas' becomes...

The Oxygen Mask Lesson

The Oxygen Mask Lesson

Put on your own oxygen mask first.   It is a message that all the airlines give us in their safety videos; but one that we also need to listen to as leaders, particularly when we are going through challenging times. I firmly believe in this, but...

Major IR Legislative Changes Bill Passed Federal Parliament

Major IR Legislative Changes Bill Passed Federal Parliament

The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 passed Federal Parliament on Friday the 2nd of December 2022 and is now only one small step away from becoming law.  When the bill receives royal assent, we will see some of...

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