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Superannuation Entitlements Embedded in the NES

Superannuation Entitlements Embedded in the NES

From 1 January 2024, the National Employment Standards (NES) will include a right to superannuation contributions. This means that unpaid or underpaid superannuation can be enforced under the Fair Work Act by more employees. Employers already have...

To be Politically Correct or not to be …

To be Politically Correct or not to be …

There’s often discussion around what is ‘politically correct’ and what’s not. This certainly can be a confusing space for employers and employees! We know that conspicuous prejudice and discrimination is far less acceptable today than in decades...

Job Ads Under the Microscope

Job Ads Under the Microscope

The wave of reforms under the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022 introduced new laws that prohibit employers from advertising employment opportunities at a rate of pay that would contravene the Act or a Fair Work...

The story of our team caricatures

The story of our team caricatures

The idea of caricatures of our teams started in 2020 at our team strategy retreat. We had originally wanted to get cartoon artists to come to the retreat to sketch each of our people while we were working, but we couldn't find someone to do it on...

IR Legislation Summary FY23

IR Legislation Summary FY23

The last 12 months have seen an unprecedented amount of change in the IR legislation landscape.  Keeping abreast of it all is challenging enough, let alone understanding how or what you need to implement in your workplace. To assist our clients,...

Slaying the Zombie

Slaying the Zombie

If you have a Zombie Agreement, the 6th December 2023 deadline is looming for having your next plan in place on how you engage your employees. As a refresher, your three options are: 1. Negotiate a new Enterprise Agreement 2. Apply for an extension...

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: What’s all the Fuss About?

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: What’s all the Fuss About?

There’s often discussion at work around what is ‘politically correct’ and what is not. This certainly can be a confusing space for employers and employees! While the subject of appropriate behaviour and language at work is a mammoth area to tackle,...

Changes to Flexible Work Requests – 6 June 2023

Changes to Flexible Work Requests – 6 June 2023

The Secure Jobs Better Pay Bill next round of changes are due to take effect on 6 June 2023, including provisions which will result in more employees being able to access flexible working arrangements. The key changes are an expanded scope for...

Prepare for Minimum Wage Rate & Superannuation Changes

Prepare for Minimum Wage Rate & Superannuation Changes

Fair Work Minimum Wage Decision Pending  It is that time of year again … we are starting to monitor the discussions and potential outcomes of Fair Work’s decision on changes to the national minimum wage.  Decisions are typically released in...

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