Empowering through Effective Delegation – A Leading Teams Workshop

Zoom - Empowering through Effective Delegation

Delegation is too often not done well or not done at all. Surprisingly, delegation is not a skill that comes naturally to most. We’ll cover why and when to delegate and how to create conditions for success, including giving clear, unambiguous instructions, setting expectations and uncovering and removing the barriers to productivity. We’ll also look […]


Group Business Strategy Workshop

PLEASE NOTE: This workshop and program are not FREE. Please chat to our team about costs involved for your business. A clearly identify and articulated vision, purpose and goals empowers owners to align their team and maintain a laser-like focus on the bigger picture.  Owners who are effective at strategic thinking and implementation planning create […]

Blanchard Management Essentials (Online Sessions)


When leaders struggle, the cost is real; high turnover, low morale, poor productivity. Often these challenges arise because essential management skills have not been developed.  Blanchard Management Essentials is perfect […]