You will hear us say it a lot here at Focus HR, employers should always make sure that they have contracts of employment in place. These contracts should not only tell the employee what the terms and conditions of the employment relationship are,...


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Feedback: The Ultimate Respect
May 3, 2022
Feedback. Challenging to give; difficult to receive – even when it is positive we Australians still seem to struggle with giving and receiving feedback! I think a lot of people feel awkward giving positive feedback – maybe because they didn’t get...
Culture – the ultimate competitive advantage
Jan 31, 2022
Put simply, the culture of a company is the sum of the behaviours of all its people (Michael Kouly). Our workplace culture gives us a sense of identity, ensures we attract and retain the right people, and gives us a deeper sense of connection. ...
Ho Ho Ho – without the Oh Oh!
Dec 6, 2021
It’s that time of year again where everyone is preparing to wind down for the silly season. But let’s be real … no-one is actually ‘winding down’. The seasons don’t stop turning in the horticulture and agriculture industries; the building trades...
Managing Employee Complaints
Jul 12, 2021
At some point you may be faced with a complaint from an employee regarding the behaviour of another employee. While dealing with a complaint may seem relatively straightforward on paper, putting it into practice can be harder than it seems. A...
Our Vision, Our Space
Jun 3, 2021
Our vision is to achieve mastery in our space by having a position on all things people, leadership, strategy. It is a vision for a reason - a vision is a goal or an aspiration, it is not your current state. We are not so egotistical as to think...
Gender Equality – will enforcement and quotas really work?
May 1, 2021
- Naomi Wilson writes... The QLD Government recently released their latest research into gender equality. It is packed with statistics relevant to both the workplace and home life. To be honest, I find the ones about home life and in particular,...
Values – hire, fire and live by them
Feb 4, 2021
Do you have values in your business that are so fundamental that you are willing to hire by them, fire by them, and take a financial hit to live by them? If not - you should. Values are the core beliefs that guide decisions, attitudes, and...
Post JobKeeper – do you have a plan?
Feb 3, 2021
JobKeeper 2.0 will come to a finish at the end of March 2021. And with it, the Job Keeper Enabling Directions that eligible employees could make under the legislative changes that Fair Work released during Covid-19 will also cease. Business who...
Would you enthusiastically rehire everyone on your team?
Aug 19, 2020
What a powerful question right?!? No matter which employer we've asked this question of, it never fails to get a similar reaction. There is the intake of breath to give a quick answer ... then a pause and look of puzzlement ... you can almost hear...
Casual Employers – Does this scenario sit a little too close to home?
Jul 22, 2020
A small retail business (let's call them Sales Galore) has had a casual employee (let's call him Johnny) for 18 months doing semi-regular hours - around 18 hours per week on average. Over that time Johnny has been paid the 25% casual loading. For a...
Casual Double Dipping – The Teammate’s Perspective
Jul 15, 2020
Employers around Australia have been trying to understand what the latest casual employment case means with a very real possibility of casuals being able to 'double dip'. But what are employees saying about this? How are fulltime and part-time...
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