Well people … we’ve done it.

Over the past five months, we’ve built or improved on something like 457 new assets (think templates, precedents, brochures, information sheets etc). 


Two big reasons:

Firstly (and most importantly in my eyes), so that we can provide consistent, quality service and advice to our clients every time, with all of our consultants able to reach into the same bank of tried and tested tools.

And secondly (and I suspect, and am happy, that this is a key driver for others), so that we can provide that consistent, quality service in a highly efficient way.  So efficiently, that we can generate 100% of our productivity in 80% of the time and hence work a 4 day week.

Of course, we’ve looked for efficiencies across the whole business – streamlined team meeting agendas; software implementation; process re-engineering – we’ve been through everything with a fine-toothed comb in the last five months. But I’d have to say though that the asset build is what we are most proud of.

And so it begins for the team – our 4 day week started this month.  

This is a HUGE milestone for our team and one that I am so excited and proud to see us reach.  Hearing people talk about being at their child’s dance lesson, getting house improvements done, gardening, or just spending time with family is so rewarding.

I’m sure we will still face challenges along the way, but for now, it is time to enjoy this well-earned reward!

P.S. To our wonderful clients, please be assured we’re all on different days so we still offer full coverage to you Monday to Friday.

Want to know how we got to this stage? You can follow our journey from the beginning here

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