JobKeeper 2.0 will come to a finish at the end of March 2021. And with it, the Job Keeper Enabling Directions that eligible employees could make under the legislative changes that Fair Work released during Covid-19 will also cease.
Business who have been accessing this financial support, need to plan now for their options for post-JobKeeper 2.0. Particularly for businesses still facing financial strain, consideration needs to be given to what options may need to be put into effect. Options may include:
- Consultation with employees to reduce hours of work
- Encouraging or directing employees to take leave
- Voluntary pay cuts
- Reducing the casual or labour hire workforce
- Restructuring, right-sizing and redundancies
Whatever steps you need to take it is important that you implement these in line with legislated guidelines and requirements and also in a way that is respectful to your people.
If you are facing some tough decisions in the coming months and need some assistance on how to navigate these, we are here to help. Please reach out to one of our team.